Frequently Asked Questions
Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Summit. If you do not find what you are looking for, please email us at We look forward to seeing you in Denver, CO in April 2024.
Yes – we have all sorts of options.
- Full Access ticket where you get the complete Summit experience!
- Reception only ticket for Thursday 4/25 night with Taco bar, cash bar, and entertainment with open Mic and live music from surprise musicians including Zara Phillips.
- Friday 4/26 only ticket with our special opening, speaker forums, panels, small group discussions, and our Walk Through Genetic Identity Muscials evening.
- Saturday 4/27 only ticket starts with our keynote speaker, extended creative workshops, panels, and access to our array of movies.
- Sunday 4/28 only ticket for our keynote speaker and closing activity.
- Weekend (4/27 & 4/28) ticket.
A discounted significant other ticket is available for all Summit access with the purchase of an attendee ticket.
We know everyone in the family is impacted by genetic identity issues and loss of genetic continuity. We offer a significant other ticket with special sessions just for them. This is an all Summit-access pass. We hope to see your significant other! You must buy a Full Access ticket to purchase a discounted Significant Other ticket.
We do NOT offer any refunds for ticket purchases, no exceptions. You may, however, transfer your ticket to another party or donate it and receive a charitable tax receipt.
You may complete your registration online using a credit card. Your registration is not complete until payment is received. We do not accept purchase orders or checks (except for Sponsorships).
There is no limit on the number of summit tickets you can purchase. We do not offer a discount as we try to keep our price as low as possible to make this one-of-a-kind event affordable to anyone who wishes to attend. During the early-bird special, you may only purchase two tickets (and one significant other ticket).
We will work closely with local health officials to assess the local climate and determine whether masking will be required closer to the event day. At this time, masks are not required.
We have an early bird special with 100 tickets for $319.00. The regular ticket price is $369.00. Tickets purchased after March 22, 2024 will cost $429.00. Speakers receive a discount.
- Early bird signifcant other tickets are $279, when regular tickets increase the significant other tixets will be $329.
- Reception on Thrusday only is $39
- Friday OR Satruday only is $169
- Sunday only is $69
- Saturday & Sunday is $219
We have a small room set aside from 11:00am to 4:00pm on Friday, 11:00am to 5:30pm on Saturday for anyone who needs a break or a place to unwind. This space is staffed by volunteer therapists who are there for our attendees as needed.
We will start each day together. After are morning session we have have speaker forums, panels, small group discussions, and creative workshops, and entertainmen. Please select your choice in advance as space in the classrooms are limited and this helps us with planning. We will not hold you to your choice.
- We will have suggested tracks when registation opens: legislative, new discovery, ethnicity shift, men … more coming.
Thrusday Taco bar, three hot breakfast buffets, two box lunches, and snacks are included with the ticket price. You can indicate on your ticket if you are regularo, vegetarian, gluten free, low sodium, or vegan (or any combination – extra fees may apply).
You will need a credit card to reserve your room, but you will not be immediately charged. It is $160 for a king room and $170 for two queens plus taxes and fees; it is approximately $595 for three nights (Thursday through Saturday) for a double queen room and $560 for a king room. You may enter your World of Hyatt number with your reservation if you have one.
Some sessions and entertainment may be recorded live but we will not have a digital version of summit this year. By attending the conference, you give Right to Know (RTK) and the National Association of Adoptees and Parents (NAAP) consent to record, videotape and photograph your image and/or voice to be used for educational purposes and you will receive no compensation for this use. You understand RTK and NAAP will never use your name without your express permission. RTK and NAAP cannot guarentee other attendees will not post your image/name on social media.